Acupuncture - New Patient
90 Minutes.
An initial acupuncture treatment, with a thorough assessment of your health history, current symptoms, and overall well-being. I will work with you to establish treatment goals and discuss realistic expectations for your acupuncture therapy. This may include recommendations for the frequency and duration of acupuncture sessions, as well as any additional lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, or self-care practices that can support your healing process. Other techniques such as cupping, moxibustion, Tui-Na acupressure, herbal health concerns or electrical stimulation may be incorporated into your treatment, depending on your individual needs.
Acupuncture - Returning Patient
60 Minutes.
This is for established patients only.
A one-hour acupuncture appointment typically follows a structured process designed to address your specific health concerns. Includes acupuncture treatment on previous health concerns or new concerns. One of the following techniques such as cupping, moxibustion, Tui-Na acupressure, herbal consultation or electrical stimulation may be incorporated into your treatment, depending on your individual needs.
Acupressure - Tui Na Massage
60 Minutes.
A brief consultation about your medical history, any specific areas of concern, and your preferences for the Tui-Na massage, such as pressure level and focus areas. Throughout the session, you're encouraged to communicate about the pressure level, any discomfort, or areas needing more attention.
Fire Cupping Appointment
30 minutes.
A brief consultation about your medical history, any specific areas of concern, and your preferences for the fire cupping session. Fire cupping can provide quick relief from pain and symptoms by addressing multiple factors contributing to discomfort, including poor circulation, muscle tension, trigger points, toxin buildup, and nervous system dysfunction. Fire cupping offers a convenient and effective solution for people with busy lifestyles who are seeking quick relief from pain and symptoms.
Herbal Medicine Consult
45 minutes
(This consult does not include the price of the herbs)
Herbal consult begins with an initial assessment of the client's health history, current health status, and any specific concerns or symptoms they are experiencing. I may inquire about any medications, supplements, or other treatments the client is currently taking to ensure that there are no potential interactions with herbal remedies. I will develop a personalized herbal treatment plan tailored to the client's individual needs and preferences.
Traveling Fee
Traveling fee mileage rate is $0.67 cents per mile.